Then she laughed, as though consoling herself of the harsh truth. Ever felt that sourish, sharp pain up your nose that urges tears to well up in your eyes when you choke on wasabi? That's how the heartache felt like -- Instantaneous and short, but still very painful.
In the past year, I've been to and fro places that are merely two miles away from where she lives, but I've never actually taken time off to drop by at all. I thought of how she managed to make it through the past year with no one at home to talk to other than my grandfather and her best friend/neighbour. I thought of how neglected she must have felt. I thought of how I could have and should have made her feel less lonely.
By the next hour, my mind found its way here, tagged along by my body. A voice whispered to me, "It's time you did."
Lavender in lavender.
She's easily amused by the Slot Machine app.
And yes, she wears bold prints for her home clothes.
Where I used to have my meals at.
Brewed daily.
Don't complain about your Nokia phone until you own one of these.
Gong gong's fav batik shirt.
Where I used to nap at.
Wasn't she such a babe?
Yeah, she's a fan of plants.
Dinner at Nan Hwa Chong Fish-Head Steamboat Corner.
We used to be a really happy, big family, with all my aunts and uncles together with their children, gathered here every weekend without fail. Now, I guess we're all just busy with our own lives.

Home is where the heart lies. My heart lies here, always.