How about someone I wish I could forgive?
Dear someone-I-wish-could-forgive-me,
You have one of the purest hearts I have seen. Nobody really noticed the inner beauty and innocence in you, but I have. I am sorry for knifing through your heart so deep. I am sorry I so recklessly abandoned you. I am sorry you had to deal with the heartache alone while I gloated happily with another. I am sorry if I have caused you to have a phobia of relationships.
This barrier between us - it's so difficult to break.
Will you forgive me and talk to me the same way you used to?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Dear person-who-caused-me-a-lot-of-pain,
The truth is a terrible thing.
The truth is a terrible thing.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 10 - Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Someone? There are many.
Dear people-I-don't-talk-to-as-much-as-I'd-like-to,
I will not reveal your identities, 'cause I am shy :$ You are cool and I wanna befriend you! But I'll stay behind the computer screen, looking at your Facebook profile, waiting for you to make the first move :)
Dear people-I-don't-talk-to-as-much-as-I'd-like-to,
I will not reveal your identities, 'cause I am shy :$ You are cool and I wanna befriend you! But I'll stay behind the computer screen, looking at your Facebook profile, waiting for you to make the first move :)
Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet
Oops, just realised I forgot to do Day 9 last night 'cause I was too exhausted. Will slot in Day 10 as well after this.
Dear Yao Ming,
I wish I could meet you just so I could see which part of your body my height would be at. Hopefully not your birdy :)
K lame. I couldn't think of anyone else.
Dear Yao Ming,
I wish I could meet you just so I could see which part of your body my height would be at. Hopefully not your birdy :)
K lame. I couldn't think of anyone else.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
♥ = E
On a side note, I can't believe I'm spending my mid-term break watching the inter-class soccer tournaments. Never thought it could be pretty entertaining, and I finally got used to sitting on the slippery metal bars at the street soccer court. Oh, the advantages of watching soccer! ;)
I lov♥ you 4♥, no matt♥r what th♥y say!
So what if w♥ didn't far♥ w♥ll acad♥mically? So what if w♥ have not won any of th♥ socc♥r match♥s? W♥ hav♥ th♥ pr♥tti♥st (and d♥finit♥ly th♥ most sham♥l♥ss) form t♥acher, th♥ tall♥st girl, th♥ short♥st girl (LOL), th♥ flossi♥st guy, th♥ vain♥st pot, th♥ most studious ♥x-brac♥-fac♥, both th♥ Band majors, th♥ dumb♥stblond♥ asian, th♥ bigg♥st Jyong Hyun fan, th♥ lam♥st jok♥r, th♥ sl♥♥pi♥st p♥opl♥-who-sit-at-the-back, th♥ flimsi♥st and sucki♥st badminton play♥r, the most accurat♥ tim♥-tak♥r who liv♥s up to his nam♥, th♥ most activ♥ sw♥♥t and snack distributor, th♥ rich♥st dud♥ with th♥ larg♥st grandma's hous♥, th♥ s♥xi♥st hip hop danc♥r, th♥ small♥st ♥y♥s (actually ♥noch b♥ats my class in this), th♥ most numb♥r of LV wall♥ts (wh♥th♥r r♥al or fak♥) and so on.
That's what mak♥s us... w♥ll, 4♥ :)
Didn't miss out any 'e's, did I?
I lov♥ you 4♥, no matt♥r what th♥y say!
So what if w♥ didn't far♥ w♥ll acad♥mically? So what if w♥ have not won any of th♥ socc♥r match♥s? W♥ hav♥ th♥ pr♥tti♥st (and d♥finit♥ly th♥ most sham♥l♥ss) form t♥acher, th♥ tall♥st girl, th♥ short♥st girl (LOL), th♥ flossi♥st guy, th♥ vain♥st pot, th♥ most studious ♥x-brac♥-fac♥, both th♥ Band majors, th♥ dumb♥st
That's what mak♥s us... w♥ll, 4♥ :)
Didn't miss out any 'e's, did I?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Dear ex-boyfriend,
I hope this goes well, 'cause for a long time,
I will be living in hell away from you,
And I ask myself, "Is that something I can do?"
I wasn't even ready to say goodbye, but goodbye anyway.
Get your ass off the computer and go to sleep. Twitting won't cure a thing.
I hope this goes well, 'cause for a long time,
I will be living in hell away from you,
And I ask myself, "Is that something I can do?"
I wasn't even ready to say goodbye, but goodbye anyway.
Get your ass off the computer and go to sleep. Twitting won't cure a thing.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day 6 - A stranger
Dear stranger,
You have the most familiar look, the most familiar smile, the most familiar scent, the most familiar touch, the most familiar voice, but this familiarity is gradually fading.
I don't know you. Anymore.
You have the most familiar look, the most familiar smile, the most familiar scent, the most familiar touch, the most familiar voice, but this familiarity is gradually fading.
I don't know you. Anymore.
Day 5 - Your dreams
Dreams as in ambitions:
My dream is to expand Thatskewl from an online shop into a boutique in the future w my fellow bud, Stella. ♥
My dream is to go to Taiwan w Stella etc. after O's! Taiwan dream yo.
My dream is to earn big bucks so I can bring Mom to Harbin one day.
My dream is to go scuba-diving/snorkling.
My dream is to learn the electric guitar.
My dream was to go to Italy.
My dream is to... be happy? Kinda cliche but yeah, I guess that's what everyone wants.
I don't have much dreams, really. I'm not ambitious, if you know me well enough.
Dreams as in successions of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep (I checked for that):
When I was still studying in primary school, I dreamt of a blue figure and a black figure every single night, twisted around each other and muttering words in my head, although I could never decipher what the words were. But I don't dream this dream anymore.
Then there was a new dream I dreamt of nightly too, even until now. I dream of myself escaping from something/someone along the tent shops of a desert in an Arabic country. My footsteps are restricted, as if I'm running in water. I spot a changing room in a clothes shop right ahead. I head towards it instinctively, in hope I can hide myself in there for the moment, but just as I'm reaching the door, I trip and wake up.
Last month, I dreamt that you came back just to leave me again.
I want my sweet dreams back.
My dream is to expand Thatskewl from an online shop into a boutique in the future w my fellow bud, Stella. ♥
My dream is to go to Taiwan w Stella etc. after O's! Taiwan dream yo.
My dream is to earn big bucks so I can bring Mom to Harbin one day.
My dream is to go scuba-diving/snorkling.
My dream is to learn the electric guitar.
My dream was to go to Italy.
My dream is to... be happy? Kinda cliche but yeah, I guess that's what everyone wants.
I don't have much dreams, really. I'm not ambitious, if you know me well enough.
Dreams as in successions of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep (I checked for that):
When I was still studying in primary school, I dreamt of a blue figure and a black figure every single night, twisted around each other and muttering words in my head, although I could never decipher what the words were. But I don't dream this dream anymore.
Then there was a new dream I dreamt of nightly too, even until now. I dream of myself escaping from something/someone along the tent shops of a desert in an Arabic country. My footsteps are restricted, as if I'm running in water. I spot a changing room in a clothes shop right ahead. I head towards it instinctively, in hope I can hide myself in there for the moment, but just as I'm reaching the door, I trip and wake up.
Last month, I dreamt that you came back just to leave me again.
I want my sweet dreams back.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Day 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative)
Dear Priscilla,
Since you were born, I've made your life a living hell. I was the typical, mean elder sister. I stole your candies. I forced you to bribe me to not tell mommy about the "bad things" you did. I threatened you to shut up before I slapped you although I never dared to. I hit you like you were my punching bag. I instructed you to transfer weapons and mesos to my Maple account and you obeyed so not because you were scared, but because you were generous. You didn't mind sharing your things with me, without any sort of hesitation, despite the way I treated you. Whenever my friends ask about you, I used to tell them you're nothing but a "stubborn, annoying ah lian" even though you're not one. In fact, you're far from that. I used to get mad at you for "copying" what I wore/said/did, but Mom's words made sense, the sole reason you "copied" me was that you looked up to me.
That fateful night, as I walked aimlessly along the streets with my tears and perspiration smudged all over my face, I couldn't think straight. I didn't want to go anywhere, much less to go home. My phone vibrated and what faced me was a text from you. I still remember the exact words you typed. "♥ (: Come back home soon, I'll be scared without you. ):" I honestly didn't see that coming, and I teared instantly.
Years down the road, I've taken a closer look at the world outside. I've taken a closer look at all the other siblings out there who love each other so dearly, and I'm regretful for I've failed to treat you with the love you deserve.
I wish I could let you know how much I wanna treasure you despite how gay this sounds, and no matter how awesome the idea of having my own room may seem, adapting to not having you beside me to sleep with will be Mission Impossible.
I love you.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 3 - Your parents
Before you go on reading, be mentally prepared 'cause it's gonna be wordy and lengthy.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Perhaps you'll read this if you've been stalking my Facebook, perhaps you wouldn't, but here goes. I write about both of you in my essays very frequently, although my stories are usually emo nemo teamo supremo elmo (quoted from Bert). I cheer quietly in my heart whenever a topic that I can relate to both of you comes out, because all it requires me to do is to write a recount of myself, because I know how it feels like to deal with parents like you.
There's this phrase that I never fail to use: "If that is what he wants and what she wants, then why is there so much pain?" I can never agree more to it. It's a line from the song Stay Together For The Kids - Blink 182. I get inspired by songs all the time. Don't ask me why.
Quarrels are common between couples, but I take your quarrels as the end of my world. I think a lot, in fact too much, but for the wrong reasons 'cause I don't apply my thinking to my work. I get disheartened over your quarrels more than you yourselves do. I cry at the sound of your harsh words hurled at each other. I doubt you even shed a tear. Rather than fix the problem, you never solve them. It makes no sense at all. The problems accumulate, so I wonder when it'll all finally blow up one day.
At times I wonder, why should I try to fix things I didn't create or contrive? I've attempted a couple of times to salvage the gap between us all. Talking face to face is awkward, and I'd only end up choking on my tears, so I tried communicating with Mom via letters. I didn't need to do so for Dad 'cause he automatically approached me to rant whenever he needed to. She promised they'd solve the problems themselves so I wouldn't need to worry about it and neglect my studies, but the problems continued coming in. I gave up trying to do anything, but I cross my fingers and I'll have faith that you both still love each other dearly.
Dear Dad,
I'll never forget the day you flung my whole portable table of homework against the wall just 'cause you wanted me to plan a timetable first, and the way you slapped me so tightly and called me a cheebye. 'Shit' was a crude enough word for me then. I only dared to call it 'the S word'. You didn't even bother censoring the word or at the least call it 'the C word'. You just said it out. I was only twelve. I can forgive, but to forget? I don't think so. But I'll never forget how you unneccessarily wake up so early in the morning everyday just to send Pris and I to school. I'll never forget how you'd always rush home to retrieve my things and then back to school again to pass them to me just because of my forgetfulness. I'll never forget how you'd always sneakily buy me my favourite food even though Mom forbade me from eating 'em. I'll never forget how you'd always counter Mom's critical comments on me and tell her in her face that it's my life. I'll never forget that fateful afternoon when I got so terrified 'cause I thought an Indian man was stalking me although he merely happened to be walking in my direction and you drove all the way back home from work just to "protect" me and bring me to the police station to buy me a safety alarm which cost a bomb. So let's just say that the equation's balanced now. I still glad that you're my dad.
Dear Mom,
I can never ask for a better mom than you. You work and you do the housechore at the same time. All normal human beings have a pair of hands, but you make use of yours more than anyone else does. You can cook better than anyone can and because of that, I've never liked dining out 'cause I prefer homecooked food. You are a perfectionist. You completed my projects whenever I fell asleep doing so 'cause you didn't like things being incomplete. You text me virtual kisses whenever I apologise for venting my anger on you despite my intolerant behaviour. Although I do admit that I dislike the fact that you disrespect my choices most of the times, you gave me what most others don't have - Freedom. Much, much more freedom. You make the lamest jokes and do the stupidest things everyday, but that's what makes you "cool". I wouldn't want a workaholic/stone as a mom. You are my Heroine.
Things have changed. I've learnt to stop thinking so much. Perhaps that explains my deteriorating results, eh? Nah, just kidding. I love my mom and dad more than before, because they've proved me wrong that all parents do nothing but vent their anger on their kids and that all parents do not love their children, 'cause they do love me and they've never stopped loving me even when I've been at my worst behaviour. For that, I am thankful.
My mom just asked about my studies without nagging and my dad just bought me cream puff. See what I mean? :)
Dear Mom and Dad, I love you always.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Perhaps you'll read this if you've been stalking my Facebook, perhaps you wouldn't, but here goes. I write about both of you in my essays very frequently, although my stories are usually emo nemo teamo supremo elmo (quoted from Bert). I cheer quietly in my heart whenever a topic that I can relate to both of you comes out, because all it requires me to do is to write a recount of myself, because I know how it feels like to deal with parents like you.
There's this phrase that I never fail to use: "If that is what he wants and what she wants, then why is there so much pain?" I can never agree more to it. It's a line from the song Stay Together For The Kids - Blink 182. I get inspired by songs all the time. Don't ask me why.
Quarrels are common between couples, but I take your quarrels as the end of my world. I think a lot, in fact too much, but for the wrong reasons 'cause I don't apply my thinking to my work. I get disheartened over your quarrels more than you yourselves do. I cry at the sound of your harsh words hurled at each other. I doubt you even shed a tear. Rather than fix the problem, you never solve them. It makes no sense at all. The problems accumulate, so I wonder when it'll all finally blow up one day.
At times I wonder, why should I try to fix things I didn't create or contrive? I've attempted a couple of times to salvage the gap between us all. Talking face to face is awkward, and I'd only end up choking on my tears, so I tried communicating with Mom via letters. I didn't need to do so for Dad 'cause he automatically approached me to rant whenever he needed to. She promised they'd solve the problems themselves so I wouldn't need to worry about it and neglect my studies, but the problems continued coming in. I gave up trying to do anything, but I cross my fingers and I'll have faith that you both still love each other dearly.
Dear Dad,
I'll never forget the day you flung my whole portable table of homework against the wall just 'cause you wanted me to plan a timetable first, and the way you slapped me so tightly and called me a cheebye. 'Shit' was a crude enough word for me then. I only dared to call it 'the S word'. You didn't even bother censoring the word or at the least call it 'the C word'. You just said it out. I was only twelve. I can forgive, but to forget? I don't think so. But I'll never forget how you unneccessarily wake up so early in the morning everyday just to send Pris and I to school. I'll never forget how you'd always rush home to retrieve my things and then back to school again to pass them to me just because of my forgetfulness. I'll never forget how you'd always sneakily buy me my favourite food even though Mom forbade me from eating 'em. I'll never forget how you'd always counter Mom's critical comments on me and tell her in her face that it's my life. I'll never forget that fateful afternoon when I got so terrified 'cause I thought an Indian man was stalking me although he merely happened to be walking in my direction and you drove all the way back home from work just to "protect" me and bring me to the police station to buy me a safety alarm which cost a bomb. So let's just say that the equation's balanced now. I still glad that you're my dad.
Dear Mom,
I can never ask for a better mom than you. You work and you do the housechore at the same time. All normal human beings have a pair of hands, but you make use of yours more than anyone else does. You can cook better than anyone can and because of that, I've never liked dining out 'cause I prefer homecooked food. You are a perfectionist. You completed my projects whenever I fell asleep doing so 'cause you didn't like things being incomplete. You text me virtual kisses whenever I apologise for venting my anger on you despite my intolerant behaviour. Although I do admit that I dislike the fact that you disrespect my choices most of the times, you gave me what most others don't have - Freedom. Much, much more freedom. You make the lamest jokes and do the stupidest things everyday, but that's what makes you "cool". I wouldn't want a workaholic/stone as a mom. You are my Heroine.
Things have changed. I've learnt to stop thinking so much. Perhaps that explains my deteriorating results, eh? Nah, just kidding. I love my mom and dad more than before, because they've proved me wrong that all parents do nothing but vent their anger on their kids and that all parents do not love their children, 'cause they do love me and they've never stopped loving me even when I've been at my worst behaviour. For that, I am thankful.
My mom just asked about my studies without nagging and my dad just bought me cream puff. See what I mean? :)
Dear Mom and Dad, I love you always.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 2 - Your Crush
I don't have a crush, except a couple of guilty pleasures.
We're grave sinners in this aspect eh, Nadz? (:
If I had a crush, he'll be as huggable as ______, he'll be gentlemanly, he'll laugh at my jokes or at the least laugh at the coldness of my joke, he'll dare to do stupid things with me and then laugh it off, he'll jokingly put me down just to cheer me up, and he'll never make a girl cry for the wrong reasons. I'm guilty of having this tendency to be my crush. I talk like him, I like what he likes and I do what he does. Reminds me of the song She Wants To Be Me - Busted. It's a flaw I'll change 'cause I wanna be nobody but me. Forever & always the 152cm (unfortunately) me.
Crushing is so tiring. Can I wait to be crushed on instead?
P/s: Emphasize on "if".
We're grave sinners in this aspect eh, Nadz? (:
If I had a crush, he'll be as huggable as ______, he'll be gentlemanly, he'll laugh at my jokes or at the least laugh at the coldness of my joke, he'll dare to do stupid things with me and then laugh it off, he'll jokingly put me down just to cheer me up, and he'll never make a girl cry for the wrong reasons. I'm guilty of having this tendency to be my crush. I talk like him, I like what he likes and I do what he does. Reminds me of the song She Wants To Be Me - Busted. It's a flaw I'll change 'cause I wanna be nobody but me. Forever & always the 152cm (unfortunately) me.
Crushing is so tiring. Can I wait to be crushed on instead?
P/s: Emphasize on "if".
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 1 - Your best friend
I've decided to do the Livejournal one, starting with today.

Dear Lummy,
For the past three and a half years of my secondary school life, we haven't been in the same class nor were we in the same CCA. In short, we're not related in any way but somehow or rather, we're still as close as ever. Sometimes I myself wonder how we managed to maintain this friendship for this long 'cause I'm used to people entering and then exiting my life after a short span of time. Perhaps it's fated. Perhaps you were sent from above to be my listening ear, my love guru (haha) and my source of laughter. You are the Cactus I wished for. To came to know you was a blessing. I can't quite recall how we met, but I'm pretty sure it was via the few 2D guys I was close to then. Our first msn conversation ended up as a gossip session and it seemed like the things we had to tell each other were endless. It lasted till dawn and I was reluctant to log off the computer 'cause I had tons to say. I looked forward to more msn conversations with you 'cause I uncautiously told you everything as though it was meant for you to be heard. Over time, my trust was fully placed with you and all the ranting sessions came in. You knew my everything and I knew your everything. You were the sole person I believed in 'cause you weren't like any of them out there who were fake and were only there to hear me pour out my sorrows merely for the sake of curiosity. You were different. You kept my secrets safe and brought me back up on my feet. Last year, during Christmas, we started writing letters to each other, pretending to be Santa, writing letters to the "little children around the world". This system still carries on and although it's lame (actually VERY lame), I kinda like it. These letters represent the memories we shared, and these letters shall stay close to my heart. We've been through ups and unfortunately, downs. You forgave me countlessly despite the number of times I've neglected and hurt you, and for taking your second chances for granted, I apologise. Like I mentioned before, I will be your spine, backing you up whenever you need me to, just like how you've always been doing so. I don't like using the word 'forever', but what I can assure you is that that spot in my heart will always be reserved for you. In other words, you're irreplaceable. (:
Dear Lummy,
For the past three and a half years of my secondary school life, we haven't been in the same class nor were we in the same CCA. In short, we're not related in any way but somehow or rather, we're still as close as ever. Sometimes I myself wonder how we managed to maintain this friendship for this long 'cause I'm used to people entering and then exiting my life after a short span of time. Perhaps it's fated. Perhaps you were sent from above to be my listening ear, my love guru (haha) and my source of laughter. You are the Cactus I wished for. To came to know you was a blessing. I can't quite recall how we met, but I'm pretty sure it was via the few 2D guys I was close to then. Our first msn conversation ended up as a gossip session and it seemed like the things we had to tell each other were endless. It lasted till dawn and I was reluctant to log off the computer 'cause I had tons to say. I looked forward to more msn conversations with you 'cause I uncautiously told you everything as though it was meant for you to be heard. Over time, my trust was fully placed with you and all the ranting sessions came in. You knew my everything and I knew your everything. You were the sole person I believed in 'cause you weren't like any of them out there who were fake and were only there to hear me pour out my sorrows merely for the sake of curiosity. You were different. You kept my secrets safe and brought me back up on my feet. Last year, during Christmas, we started writing letters to each other, pretending to be Santa, writing letters to the "little children around the world". This system still carries on and although it's lame (actually VERY lame), I kinda like it. These letters represent the memories we shared, and these letters shall stay close to my heart. We've been through ups and unfortunately, downs. You forgave me countlessly despite the number of times I've neglected and hurt you, and for taking your second chances for granted, I apologise. Like I mentioned before, I will be your spine, backing you up whenever you need me to, just like how you've always been doing so. I don't like using the word 'forever', but what I can assure you is that that spot in my heart will always be reserved for you. In other words, you're irreplaceable. (:
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Make me smile.
Eventful weekend. (:
Got my ass outta bed at 7am on Sat morn for Chem lessons at school. The floods and traffic jam was mad at Tjg Ktg Rd. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY DADDY CHAUFFEUR ♥, or I'd have died waiting for the jam to clear.
Headed off to Bedok with Zzzzzul for brekkie with Jiaying after Chem but she was late. What's new? Left not long after she finally reached 'cause I had to meet Lummy for lunch and present hunting at PP. Finally decided on Sha's and Chongy's present all at one shot!! WALKED to school 'cause we didn't know how else to find our way to Kembangan for Physics tuition other than taking bus 33 from school. So effing energy-consuming, I swear. I felt like I'd walked a thousand miles HAHAH I am such a pig. When we reached there, Iris said bus 33 wasn't on service. I was like @#%!@#%!% GO AND DIE. *bish* But apparently Iris is a liar 'cause bus 33 came in the end. By the time we boarded the bus, we were half an hour late for tuition already so we ended up postponing it to Wed. POSTPONING MY FIRST LESSON EVER. HAH, WHAT A JOKE. Headed to Bedok aimlessly to kill some time.
Froggie legs @ Sheng Shiong, ew.
Spam sweeeeets
Free Passionfruit Tea!
Bff (:
Woohoo monster sweetz.
Peeling the wrappers and dropping the sweets into the candy dispenser!
Rushed back to school in time for TK Band's Homecoming while Lummy went home. Dinner w Zul, Nadz, Jar and Ethel @ PP. Remnisced and all. Gotta admit I kinda miss band and the people. (:
On a side note, we were planning to go for the LIME Flea Market @ Scape Youth Park together on the 28th of August, but I just got to know yesterday that Stella and I are sharing a booth with Xiangmin for the flea instead. SO STOKED. Dream come true for us both :D. Recruiting factory workers!!!! LOL JK. We can only afford Zul and Bert. ^o^
In conclusion, I travelled from Home > School > Bedok > PP > School > Bedok > PP > School > PP > Home. MLIA.

I spent the night wrapping Sha's and Chongy's birthday presents and writing their birthday cards AND A BLOODY BEATLE DROPPED ONTO THE CARDS IN FRONT OF MY FACE. FUGGER BUGGER. But I am satisfied 'cause I wrapped 'em up so neatly!! :)
But this ain't the end of my weekends yet! Sunday was another blast. Sha, Lummy, Pb and I went to celebrate Sha's birthday at Ikea. THE MEATBALLS WAS SEDAP TTM. I WILL DIE FOR MORE. ♥
I'm not in the pictures NOT 'cause I was busy eating but 'cause I sacrificed to be the cameraman. I love my DSLR.... HAHAH, WHO AM I KIDDING. Just a Lumix digital cam. -.-

Kk anyway so we shopped around Ikea for an hour and they shot me with a surprise hide & seek and I got lost 'cause the place is so effing huge. Then we rushed to Chongy's ahma's house only to realise...
I got the date wrong. It's next week, not this week. HAHAH I feel like a douchebag or so what Bert calls me. Sorry guys. ):
But Chongy was nice enough to come over to entertain us!! Sang karaoke till our throats ran dry and we went home as satisfied peepo. (:
I love these people. They make my day.
Got my ass outta bed at 7am on Sat morn for Chem lessons at school. The floods and traffic jam was mad at Tjg Ktg Rd. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY DADDY CHAUFFEUR ♥, or I'd have died waiting for the jam to clear.
Headed off to Bedok with Zzzzzul for brekkie with Jiaying after Chem but she was late. What's new? Left not long after she finally reached 'cause I had to meet Lummy for lunch and present hunting at PP. Finally decided on Sha's and Chongy's present all at one shot!! WALKED to school 'cause we didn't know how else to find our way to Kembangan for Physics tuition other than taking bus 33 from school. So effing energy-consuming, I swear. I felt like I'd walked a thousand miles HAHAH I am such a pig. When we reached there, Iris said bus 33 wasn't on service. I was like @#%!@#%!% GO AND DIE. *bish* But apparently Iris is a liar 'cause bus 33 came in the end. By the time we boarded the bus, we were half an hour late for tuition already so we ended up postponing it to Wed. POSTPONING MY FIRST LESSON EVER. HAH, WHAT A JOKE. Headed to Bedok aimlessly to kill some time.
On a side note, we were planning to go for the LIME Flea Market @ Scape Youth Park together on the 28th of August, but I just got to know yesterday that Stella and I are sharing a booth with Xiangmin for the flea instead. SO STOKED. Dream come true for us both :D. Recruiting factory workers!!!! LOL JK. We can only afford Zul and Bert. ^o^
In conclusion, I travelled from Home > School > Bedok > PP > School > Bedok > PP > School > PP > Home. MLIA.
I spent the night wrapping Sha's and Chongy's birthday presents and writing their birthday cards AND A BLOODY BEATLE DROPPED ONTO THE CARDS IN FRONT OF MY FACE. FUGGER BUGGER. But I am satisfied 'cause I wrapped 'em up so neatly!! :)
But this ain't the end of my weekends yet! Sunday was another blast. Sha, Lummy, Pb and I went to celebrate Sha's birthday at Ikea. THE MEATBALLS WAS SEDAP TTM. I WILL DIE FOR MORE. ♥
I'm not in the pictures NOT 'cause I was busy eating but 'cause I sacrificed to be the cameraman. I love my DSLR.... HAHAH, WHO AM I KIDDING. Just a Lumix digital cam. -.-
I have something against bugs. I blinded him to death with my flash. Sorry dude. :S
Kk anyway so we shopped around Ikea for an hour and they shot me with a surprise hide & seek and I got lost 'cause the place is so effing huge. Then we rushed to Chongy's ahma's house only to realise...
I got the date wrong. It's next week, not this week. HAHAH I feel like a douchebag or so what Bert calls me. Sorry guys. ):
But Chongy was nice enough to come over to entertain us!! Sang karaoke till our throats ran dry and we went home as satisfied peepo. (:
I love these people. They make my day.
Friday, July 16, 2010
30 day challenge.
In a dilemma of whether to do the Tumblr version:
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you
Or the Livejournal version:
Day 1 - Your best friend
Day 2 - Your Crush
Day 3 - Your parents
Day 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 - Your dreams
Day 6 - A stranger
Day 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 - Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 - Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 - A deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 - Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 - The person you miss the most
Day 16 - Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 - Someone from your childhood
Day 18 - The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 - Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 - The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 - Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 - Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 - The last person you kissed
Day 24 - The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 - The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 - The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 - The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 - Someone that changed your life
Day 29 - The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 - Your reflection in the mirror
Can't do the Tumblr version 'cause I don't have a Tumblr, but I'd drown in my tears doing Day 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29 for the LJ one. That's pretty much the whole thing. I don't wanna start the next flood in Sg.
Know what? I decided to not do the 30 day challenge 'cause I'd end up blogging about my day instead. I just wasted 5 minutes of your time, bye.
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you
Or the Livejournal version:
Day 1 - Your best friend
Day 2 - Your Crush
Day 3 - Your parents
Day 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 - Your dreams
Day 6 - A stranger
Day 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 - Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 - Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 - A deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 - Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 - The person you miss the most
Day 16 - Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 - Someone from your childhood
Day 18 - The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 - Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 - The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 - Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 - Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 - The last person you kissed
Day 24 - The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 - The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 - The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 - The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 - Someone that changed your life
Day 29 - The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 - Your reflection in the mirror
Can't do the Tumblr version 'cause I don't have a Tumblr, but I'd drown in my tears doing Day 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29 for the LJ one. That's pretty much the whole thing. I don't wanna start the next flood in Sg.
Know what? I decided to not do the 30 day challenge 'cause I'd end up blogging about my day instead. I just wasted 5 minutes of your time, bye.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
@jessdiku invited me to watch 9 Temples today but I passed it 'cause I needa save $$$. Haven't watched a horror movie in a million years and I just missed that rare opportunity. I am deprived, but it's okay 'cause bitch talk with @ohflosseee @JIAAAAAAAN, @bertrandtee, @dumb_blonde (Alita :P), @Chongy and @BrotherOfEating (Taiming) at Vid World made my day. @iamhungryyay went home early! ):
It's 2 months away to O's. What the francesca. I am trying to feel afraid now.... K not working. I should quit my online life, shouldn't I? Hmm perhaps.
"yknow, we should learn to go straight home after school... We're hanging out almost everyday :O" - From Stella's. Ikr.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Team Jacob!
Buay tahan. Love his hot bod and jaws.
K so English oral was (Y), for once! Made a couple of bloopers here and there though. Tried too hard on emphasizing the "ch" in "children" and ended up pronouncing the word as "trojan". So epic I laughed at myself halfway through. I hope the examiner found it funny too and gave me humour marks -.-
Zul, Bert and Haohao went to lepak at KLP and watch Eclipse IN THE CINEMA, NOT 7-ELEVEN. Effing lame inside joke Haohao came up with. -.- I just realised I'm forever lepaking LOL. Tskkk I need to stop lepaking!! Bert watched Eclipse for the 3rd time and Zul for the 2nd time. They both dozed off during the movie LOL. :B
It's Sha's birthday this Tuesday! I needa prepare something awesome. Something out of the world. That's my legacy. Any suggestions what to get him? I've ran out of ideas. Last year was a phail + super insincere present - A treat coupon. I needa make up for that! Heeeeeelp.
Gerald is the sweetest thing on Earth.
He posted this on my wall using my account 'cause he deleted his fb account and he has my FB account:
Hi sarah ann lim. You're the bestest bestest friend anyone could have! I'm dead serious. Haha, thanks for all the things you do that brighten up my day. Whether big or small they mean the world to me. -gerald. P.s i dont have facebook now, and i only have access to yours! :)
And I'll continue brightening up your day. Because you don't deserve living in a world of grey. Because you don't deserve being judged and stereotyped. Because you need love just like any of us do. Because you can be relied on. Because you were there when I was most vulnerable. Because you are one of a kind I have ever found. (:
Well, I just hope you won't distance yourself away from me because of this, you-know-who-you-are-if-you're-reading-this. Because, however corny this may sound, I'd never wanna lose either of you.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Perfect Weapon.
OBSESSED WITH THIS SONG. Andy Sixx is the sexx.
Climax at 0:48! I love you if you love this song!!!!! But I still love you even if you don't anyway ;)
N'ways I uploaded a few more pics for day 2 & 3 of Indo trip. Too lazy to upload the rest 'cause there are like hundreds.
My day was hilarious. I laughed throughout and I have a major tummy ache now. -.-
During Chem, Zul and I stepped into the lab with 100% energy only to die down to 0% the moment our asses touched our seats. I swear our seats are cursed. Zul was so tired that he slept while drawing atoms, HAHAHAHH!
Then during English when the class was greeting Mdm Nora, I was busy attempting to place my windmill infront of the fan, then Mdm Nora told the class to look at me and asked me if I needed a ladder!!!!!! ):
Videoworld with the usuals after school! Did my homework while they lepeked and I had another good long, laugh for I forgot what. I just do whenever I'm with 'em. :B
Me: *feels Jianhao's bag to find for earpiece* Where's the zip?
Jianhao: *points to his dick* Here.
HAHAHHAH WTF SICK SHIT!!! Chongy bought his jelly ice cream again and licked it like it was a dick. Watching him eat disturbed me. -.- VIDEO WORLD IS WHERE THEY ALL REVEAL THEIR DIRTY TRUE COLOURS SO BEWARE, GIRLS!!!!!!!!
I need to quit deciphering. The itch to is killing me.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Home Alone
I will continue day 2 & 3 tomorrow instead heh heh heh! Too lazy to upload the pics.
I left all the lights in the house on 'cause I hate the dark. Joshie called before I headed for bed. I thought he genuinely cared that I felt lonely but NOOOO HE CALLED TO ASK FOR THE TIMETABLE. Cheat my feelings onleh. (U) Ya, so after we hanged up, I was thinking of tonning through the night just in case I overslept, just like what Joshie did. HAHAH, but I can't tank for nuts. -__- Slept with the lights on too 'cause I didn't have sissy beside me. At 5.30am, I heard a loud knock from I-have-no-idea-where. Scared the shit out of me but I went back to sleep anyway 'cause I was really really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY TIRED!!!!
O's MT Oral was fine. No comments, just gna cross my fingers. x^^x
Oh my gosh, tomorrow is Wednesday already?!?! K HAVE TO PRACTISE HIPPYHOPPY. Can't wait!!!!!! BABY LET ME LOVE YOU DOWN~
I left all the lights in the house on 'cause I hate the dark. Joshie called before I headed for bed. I thought he genuinely cared that I felt lonely but NOOOO HE CALLED TO ASK FOR THE TIMETABLE. Cheat my feelings onleh. (U) Ya, so after we hanged up, I was thinking of tonning through the night just in case I overslept, just like what Joshie did. HAHAH, but I can't tank for nuts. -__- Slept with the lights on too 'cause I didn't have sissy beside me. At 5.30am, I heard a loud knock from I-have-no-idea-where. Scared the shit out of me but I went back to sleep anyway 'cause I was really really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY TIRED!!!!
O's MT Oral was fine. No comments, just gna cross my fingers. x^^x
Oh my gosh, tomorrow is Wednesday already?!?! K HAVE TO PRACTISE HIPPYHOPPY. Can't wait!!!!!! BABY LET ME LOVE YOU DOWN~
P/p/s: My blogskin looks screwed in IE. I fixed the opacity part but I don't know how to fix the feathered edges of the tables. Looks awesome-r in Mozilla Firefox so everyone go convert to MF now!!!!!! ):
Monday, July 5, 2010
I discovered 1324687987987 cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandaunts and granduncles from all over the world, all gathered in Indo to celebrate Uma's birthday. Memorising all of their names was a toughie, but I got the hang of it after awhile.
Meimei from Bali offered to bring me snorkling and scuba diving after my O's, Jiejie who makes and sell accessories online like I do and intends to set up a shop in time to come (go visit her products @, she specialises in Swarovski crystals), Mirza from Melbourne who knows everything about cameras and IT stuff, my mad adorable niece A'ishah who has hugantic, gimongous eyes, Korkor Boy from Bali too who was kind enough to bring me around Pasar Atum, and many more which I can't be bothered to name. THE PASAR ATUM THERE IS MY POTENTIAL PARADISE. I think I spent over $30 plainly on accessories. Heh heh heh. *sinful* BUT THEY WERE TOO CHIO TO RESIST. :B
Day 1
So after the A.Math lecture, I borrowed Alita's umbrella to get my ass out of school and back home 'cause it was pouring but Joshie stole it and ran away when I was midway out of the school gate. -.- CRAZY PIG BRO GONE NUTS!!!! Got back in time, chong-ed a liang and then to the airport! :B
Had BK for lunch and I grabbed a coffee eclair from Delifrance before we boarded the plane, ho ho ho.
Pops and momsie.

Bear Love Sushi :D
She has golden hair. I don't. ):

The star fishcakes are alive!!!!
I scream for reeeeeeeengz.

Matching french fries ear studs for Nadz hubby (:
Day 2
Went to pops' family's old mansion. The mansion's a dozen times bigger than my own apartment. They even had a maids' chamber! My gramps are rich bitches :O
This is A'ishah!!!!!! Met her at the hotel lobby before leaving for the mansion.

The mansion named after the family name somemore oh my tian.

I like doing this shadow :B

Dindin at Boncafe.

Day 3

Chio graffiti outside the hotel!
The flight back wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, although I felt retarded for a moment there when I asked the counter lady where the waiting room was when there was a big sign that said "WAITING ROOM" right in front of my eyes.
Lummy came to fetch me, ho ho ho!!! He's the best unlike all you ungrateful people out there like *cough*Joshie*cough*JJ*cough*. SEE THIS NOW AND FEEL GUILTY. We had dindin at Mac's and laughed throughout the journey back home 'cause of the lil' jokes here and there. THANK YOU LUMMY. (:
I discovered 1324687987987 cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandaunts and granduncles from all over the world, all gathered in Indo to celebrate Uma's birthday. Memorising all of their names was a toughie, but I got the hang of it after awhile.
Meimei from Bali offered to bring me snorkling and scuba diving after my O's, Jiejie who makes and sell accessories online like I do and intends to set up a shop in time to come (go visit her products @, she specialises in Swarovski crystals), Mirza from Melbourne who knows everything about cameras and IT stuff, my mad adorable niece A'ishah who has hugantic, gimongous eyes, Korkor Boy from Bali too who was kind enough to bring me around Pasar Atum, and many more which I can't be bothered to name. THE PASAR ATUM THERE IS MY POTENTIAL PARADISE. I think I spent over $30 plainly on accessories. Heh heh heh. *sinful* BUT THEY WERE TOO CHIO TO RESIST. :B
Day 1
So after the A.Math lecture, I borrowed Alita's umbrella to get my ass out of school and back home 'cause it was pouring but Joshie stole it and ran away when I was midway out of the school gate. -.- CRAZY PIG BRO GONE NUTS!!!! Got back in time, chong-ed a liang and then to the airport! :B
Had BK for lunch and I grabbed a coffee eclair from Delifrance before we boarded the plane, ho ho ho.
Bear Love Sushi :D
Reached Indo at early evening and we took an hour long cab ride to the hotel. Started with shopping immd after we unpacked! Ho ho ho. :B
The star fishcakes are alive!!!!
Matching french fries ear studs for Nadz hubby (:
Day 2
Went to pops' family's old mansion. The mansion's a dozen times bigger than my own apartment. They even had a maids' chamber! My gramps are rich bitches :O
The mansion named after the family name somemore oh my tian.
Woke up late and ended up shopping for my last few hours in Indo. );
The flight back wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, although I felt retarded for a moment there when I asked the counter lady where the waiting room was when there was a big sign that said "WAITING ROOM" right in front of my eyes.
Lummy came to fetch me, ho ho ho!!! He's the best unlike all you ungrateful people out there like *cough*Joshie*cough*JJ*cough*. SEE THIS NOW AND FEEL GUILTY. We had dindin at Mac's and laughed throughout the journey back home 'cause of the lil' jokes here and there. THANK YOU LUMMY. (:
Friday, July 2, 2010
You've got nothing to lose, except for me and you.
Packing my luggage last minute is so me :B
Heh heh heh. I hate the "did I forget something?" feeling. It keeps me racking my brain for a few hours. Waste my brain juices only but nevermind 'cause I've still a few litres left.
Ok so ya, I'm leaving for Indo tomorrow afternoon and I'm attending the A.Math lecture at 8am in the bloody morning before I rush home and then to the airport 'cause I'm a hardworking girl like that. |8
The thought of flying back alone still freaks me out. :S WHAT IF SOMEONE KIDNAPS ME?!! I look like a kid for sure...... K nvm. I get you all keropok okay! For the mean time you can keep my tagboard/formspring alive!! CIAO. (8
Heh heh heh. I hate the "did I forget something?" feeling. It keeps me racking my brain for a few hours. Waste my brain juices only but nevermind 'cause I've still a few litres left.
Ok so ya, I'm leaving for Indo tomorrow afternoon and I'm attending the A.Math lecture at 8am in the bloody morning before I rush home and then to the airport 'cause I'm a hardworking girl like that. |8
The thought of flying back alone still freaks me out. :S WHAT IF SOMEONE KIDNAPS ME?!! I look like a kid for sure...... K nvm. I get you all keropok okay! For the mean time you can keep my tagboard/formspring alive!! CIAO. (8
Thursday, July 1, 2010
You're a star but you haven't been turned on.
You can call me wols (no actually you can't), but YouMeAtSix is my new favourite band. \m/
I like Liquid Confidence and The Truth Is A Terrible Thing the most. This Turbulence Is Beautiful sounds kinda cool with the sudden switch of screamo to melodious and back again, but you guys would prolly kill me if I had it as my blogsong. All mute speakers + pause my music only. I KNOW ALL OF YOUR STYLES.
N'ways, my flight back to Singapore's been pushed forward to Monday 'cause I've to be back for O's MT Oral by Tuesday. I'll be flying back alone and it'll be just me in the house. HOW NOW BROWN COW? I don't wanna be aloneeee. )':
N'ways x2, had FruzenYogu and OCK with the usuals after supp. I fell in love with OCK Sotong!! :B
I like Liquid Confidence and The Truth Is A Terrible Thing the most. This Turbulence Is Beautiful sounds kinda cool with the sudden switch of screamo to melodious and back again, but you guys would prolly kill me if I had it as my blogsong. All mute speakers + pause my music only. I KNOW ALL OF YOUR STYLES.
N'ways, my flight back to Singapore's been pushed forward to Monday 'cause I've to be back for O's MT Oral by Tuesday. I'll be flying back alone and it'll be just me in the house. HOW NOW BROWN COW? I don't wanna be aloneeee. )':
N'ways x2, had FruzenYogu and OCK with the usuals after supp. I fell in love with OCK Sotong!! :B
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