I discovered 1324687987987 cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandaunts and granduncles from all over the world, all gathered in Indo to celebrate Uma's birthday. Memorising all of their names was a toughie, but I got the hang of it after awhile.
Meimei from Bali offered to bring me snorkling and scuba diving after my O's, Jiejie who makes and sell accessories online like I do and intends to set up a shop in time to come (go visit her products @ http://www.meigift.com, she specialises in Swarovski crystals), Mirza from Melbourne who knows everything about cameras and IT stuff, my mad adorable niece A'ishah who has hugantic, gimongous eyes, Korkor Boy from Bali too who was kind enough to bring me around Pasar Atum, and many more which I can't be bothered to name. THE PASAR ATUM THERE IS MY POTENTIAL PARADISE. I think I spent over $30 plainly on accessories. Heh heh heh. *sinful* BUT THEY WERE TOO CHIO TO RESIST. :B
Day 1
So after the A.Math lecture, I borrowed Alita's umbrella to get my ass out of school and back home 'cause it was pouring but Joshie stole it and ran away when I was midway out of the school gate. -.- CRAZY PIG BRO GONE NUTS!!!! Got back in time, chong-ed a liang and then to the airport! :B
Had BK for lunch and I grabbed a coffee eclair from Delifrance before we boarded the plane, ho ho ho.
Bear Love Sushi :D
Reached Indo at early evening and we took an hour long cab ride to the hotel. Started with shopping immd after we unpacked! Ho ho ho. :B
The star fishcakes are alive!!!!
Matching french fries ear studs for Nadz hubby (:
Day 2
Went to pops' family's old mansion. The mansion's a dozen times bigger than my own apartment. They even had a maids' chamber! My gramps are rich bitches :O
The mansion named after the family name somemore oh my tian.
Woke up late and ended up shopping for my last few hours in Indo. );
The flight back wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, although I felt retarded for a moment there when I asked the counter lady where the waiting room was when there was a big sign that said "WAITING ROOM" right in front of my eyes.
Lummy came to fetch me, ho ho ho!!! He's the best unlike all you ungrateful people out there like *cough*Joshie*cough*JJ*cough*. SEE THIS NOW AND FEEL GUILTY. We had dindin at Mac's and laughed throughout the journey back home 'cause of the lil' jokes here and there. THANK YOU LUMMY. (:
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