Sorry I didn't have the time to update. Kinda sucks to have my birthday between/near examination periods every year, huh? :(
But all was well. No stress, no homework, no lookin' at the wretched periodic table or formula list for just a day. Only friends + Ikea meatballs + MLB + presents.
Lummy came to find me at my void deck early in the morn before tuition with two homemade orea cheesecakes for me. One of which was initially baked for JJ to make up for the previous inedible birthday cake we baked for him but he rejected it in fear of having the runs again, LOL. That means two oreo cheesecakes for me! Thankfully, the cakes weren't only edible but also superduperuber yummy!!!!!!!!! :D
After tuition, I joined Lummy, JJ and Sha and we headed to TM together to take the shutter bus to Ikea. They acted like caucasians and told me, "open the presents and see if you like it!" Inside the box laid a glittery, pink Ukelele, or what they call a Sarahlele. I can't keep my eyes off it! Pickin' it up after the O's fo' sho. And other than the Sarahlele, they compiled a book of guitar tabs from scratch, like from the searching of the guitar tabs to the printing of 'em to the binding of the book. I bet they burnt several nights of midnight oil for this. Are they awesome or awesome? (: Joel and Chong couldn't make it for Ikea, though. What a pity! I barely ate seven meatballs anyway, 'cause my ulcer was killing me. Nevertheless, the gossip session and the MLB game in between was fruitful ;)
Thank you for everything. I don't need a grand party or a heap of presents to make my sweet sixteen a sweet one. Just the company of a couple of good ol' friends does fine. (':
Lazy to upload pix!
And then came more prezzies on Tuesday onwards! A collaboration of the memories we shared all in a single book from Stella which I really, really, really sarang hae ♥ + ginormous birthday card from Jianhao, my dear bxtch, which I can't stop rereading + horny mug from Taiming + orange speakers from Zul + pretty accessories from Joelle + piggy bank and necklace from Raynor + customized towel with the words "Salad Ant" and my horoscope on it from Jiaying and Kunjie + three pairs of ear studs from Aryn. I feel like a princess! :B
Oh, and just to add on to my list of birthday wishes, I wish I wasn't so indecisive. I wish I could make a choice of my own, with no outsiders' influences or opinions, just for once. I wish I wasn't so fickle-minded.
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