[adj. bit-er-sweet, bit-er-sweet; n. bit-er-sweet]I tried to keep my smile, but I'm sorry I didn't keep it for long.
Woke up to Brandon's wake up call which wasn't of much use after all. He only called me at the time we were supposed to meet so I still ended up late. Lepaked at the Skate Park like a lepaker wit' my shades and (Keith's) cap on yo. I like the mini bike, the one with the SSTMBX sticker. Just the perfect size for moi :-) We were supposed to catch I Am Number Four at TM but we ended up nua-ing at Keith's place lol.
Dindin with Sha, Joshie, Chongy and Lummy at Popeyes @ TM. I missed all of you so very much, and I can't wait to see your faces again next week. ♥
Sarah Ann Lim Hui Min, don't you be a fucking coward again this time. You gon' have faith, and keep on believin'. Everything's gon' be fine. Tomorrow's gon' be a lovely day.
... right?
Dear Joelle, I wish you'd read your fb inbox this instant & tell me what to do like how you always do.