Ryan's place > Lunch at the cafe beside PastaMania at E!hub > Raynor's place > Jiaying's place > Christopher's place > Home.
Make a guess who was late. I shan't mention ok, go figure :) We literally stepped into Ryan's house for only a minute because Ryan had to leave for work already. The time Joelle took to put her heels on over-weighed that of which we spent in there. Whuuud? ._.

Idk why my mouth was blurred.

At Jiaying's place, where we gambled using Wasabi cashew nuts. Beats using coins fer sure 'cause nobody wants to have a taste of the deadly Wasabi :D
The rest of the evening was spent at Christopher's house. What a warm a cosy place to camp in. I like. We spammed Wii games, especially Rock Band. I always end up the vocalist, dayummm.
To this certain boy:
Thank you, for choosing this outing over your M'sia trip. Truly, you GMH when I was on the verge of giving up. Love you, Winsemius. (No, this certain boy's name is not Winsemius)
Thank you, every single one of you. ♥
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