Makan Place and Munch are like battlefields at lunch time. It's almost impossible to get a seat, what more queue up for food. The queue itself is madness. It goes as long as the snake in the game, Snake, at level 20. I can't believe we had to resort to sandwiches (which costs $2.20 per packet for your info) and OCK for lunch. WE CAME ALL THE WAY HERE TO STARVE?!?
K but on a brighter note, dinner was the sex :) Celebrated Ryan's birthday at New York New York and ordered four portions of the ginourmous burgers. It certainly made up for the proper lunch we were deprived of.

Happy birthday, mahmah.
(p/s: The cap he's wearing was my birthday gift for him ^^v)
I fuckin' love AA. Reckless & Relentless is eargasmic.
Wish I could shield you from the thunderstorm, but I'm but a holey, tattered umbrella.
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