Waited for the rest to gather before we headed to Jeraldyn's crib. Our attempts to complete our E-learning assignments succeeded for the first half an hour before our attention diverted to indulgence in food.
Thereafter, we lost the 'feel' and our subsequent attempts to continue completing our E-learning assignments were futile. Ended up talking cock/ whining/ camwhoring/ being stupid/ nuaing.
Dinner at Ministry Of Steak, followed by desserts at Udders and ending the day with a gossip + HTHT session.

You're as cold as ice. I don't know who you are.

This is the class I never expected to turn out to be.
Devin the annoying orange, Erwin the random commenter, Jeraldyn & Ericia the hysterical laugh-over-everything twins, Jiaxuan the wolf in a sheep's disguise, Darren the oh-so-(not)-hot, Augustine the mass orgy, Trisha the triangle and Ivan the exclaims-in-awe-when-in-sight-of-food. Xinxian, Shien, Genevieve, Lorraine, Aloysius, Michael, Brenda, Jasmine and Sheanyin as well.
What more could I ask for?
Cheers to an awesome start of E-learning week.
My head says yes; My heart says no.
Joelle says yes; Jeraldyn says no.
So, yes, no, potato?
Someone put this mental turmoil to an end for me.
Time's ticking and running out.
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