Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Back from BA Shine camp!
Finally, my first camp in NP. I didn't get into all of the other camps that I had signed up for. Instead, the friends that I introduced the camp to did. Pek chek or not, you tell me? -__-
K so we blah blah blah, then we blah blah blah. Nothing much, really. The only part of the camp worth remembering was the trolling. The group of trolls kept doing the Jesus dance from LMFAO's MVs. Really trolling in the deep.
Too many things accumulated to sort out after three days of mia-ing from my social life. Need to organize a #TB28 outing on Friday and the shopping trip on Sat with my bbygs and the few boys, call up the bank because Whatisdope is a bitch like that saying that they can't verify my payment only one month after the transaction was made and run other miscellaneous errands. I can hardly think with this half-asleep mind. Feeling extremely irritable right now. Touch me and I'll bite your finger off.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Time sprints.
Can't absorb shit anymore. It's scientifically proven that I have short attention span.
Instead of diligently memorizing facts for the BLaw paper later on, here I am looking through my folder of profile pics on Facebook. So much has happened, but I've never really taken a step back to see what's been going on, what's changed and what's not. Feels as if I've been spun around in a hurricane for years and months, picking up new things and meeting new people (some who stay and some who leave) on the way, nurturing me into what I am today. Who said time flies? Time sprints.
Read on if you may, but expect chunks and chunks of words.

This picture is a-n-c-i-e-n-t. It was taken in Aryn's house and that tiny furry ball that's cupped in my palms is Fatso, Aryn's pet hamster. I used to have this habit of clipping a bunch of my hair just right above my fringe backwards btw. Now, it looks retarded to me.

Sec 2 days - Camwhoring in class with Fel, Widia and Zul at the back of the classroom used to be our favourite past time. Everyone please note how much Fel has changed. Oh, and that pose up there ^ used to be my favourite pose. Don't ask why.
Band Farewell Party 2008 - when I wore a floral smocked dress (which is so ugly btw) that I bought at Bugis together with Nadzirah (my hubby back then ♥) WITH A FREAKIN' FUCHSIA MANGO T-SHIRT INSIDE. My brain must have been malfunctioning then. Seriously, Sarah, seriously?! That's Esther Lam beside me if I'm not wrong, btw.

Cohort camp '09 at Kota Tinggi. Celebrated Stella's and Fel's birthday (which is one day apart) at the campsite. Our class begun to bond a little after this camp, and that shirt up there was our first class shirt. Albeit a bit fail, because the colour faded off and the cutting is extremely small, I quite liked it. And as I'm typing this, I'm wearing this very class shirt of ours :')
Short hair. Look at Joelle, just look at the old her. And once again, behold the clip-a-bunch-of-hair-right-above-my-fringe-backwards syndrome.

2E chalet at Aloha Pasir Ris - The most successful and most memorable one imo. Used to wear a Levi's inspired watch a.k.a. the power ranger watch. I recall a dozen odd of us squeezing on the bed with some sprawled on the floor after a midnight stroll down Pasir Ris park where we freaked ourselves out 'cause we were in odd numbers. All of us dozed off while watching a horror movie and I awoke to Junpeng's sleepy face and with my back aching like hell. Idk how the hell I ended up on the floor, not to mention how the hell Junpeng ended up beside me. Sounds like Hangover, HAHAH.
Now, I don't know what's become of us. What I see is segregation. Although this belonging feeling resides whenever we gather, that magical bond had long gone.

Studying at Changi Airport's *bux with Stella. Lololol that Spongebob shirt ^ used to be my fav. I vividly remember chionging Chem and Physics practice papers on that very day, but we were more engaged in our caramel frappe and chocolate frappe respectively than that. After the intensive mugging, we moved on to explore the place (like we always used to) and played pretend that there were terrorists in the toilets. Camwhored along the way as well and I must say our dates were always so adventurous. #goodtimes

An optional PW project on deforestation. Wenhui, Joel, Damien and Yingzheng and I formed Forest Genesis. Best part about PW? Having Ms. Razie as our PW teacher. She excuses us for any late submissions because she knows we're all band members. My mindset of PW being a boring, unnecessary subject has changed by 180 degrees after this experience. Our final product was a parody music video of Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, except we named ours Tree Down and I'm damn proud of it.
"Do you feel like a man, when you cut those trees down?
Do you feel better now, as they fall to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, this world's gonna end
Trees are living things too, don't you ever forget"

Hei Sushi with Zul and Jiaying. They used to be my safety box, where I deposited my dirty lil' secrets into. I miss them both a lot, whether it's the eating of good food or the heart-to-heart talking. It's been months.

One of those factory days at Stella's crib, with her maid Nora/Nura as our part-time worker cum entertainer. Factory days were my favourite days and I think they still are. Am gon' make the effort to visit this girl more often, because I'm growing old with her by hook or by crook. I promise.
Band Farewell Party 2009. That's Jannah up there, and she's one live-wire. You don't have to look out for her, just listen out for her. She, together with Hajar, Sufi, Khaiqi, Vanessa and the whole lot of clarinets, are the reasons why I go to band for.

Solo dates with Fel. Haven't eaten that ^ and potato chunks since forever. /drools
Those were the days... when we just ate and ate and ate and ate as long as it pleased us. LOL.

Posting this just because I need to laugh at Bert's spastic face HAHAHAHAHAHA!

KL Dream. Shopped and ate and slept and shopped and ate and slept and shopped and ate and slept - that's all we did. Stella had her virgin go at the fish spa too but she was too afraid to surrender her legs to the fishes. Look at my chocolatey skin. /dies

OSIM Triathlon 2010 - right after SYF Outdoor. I remember showing off my "DSLR" shot of Nic Ho with my "DSLR" which is actually just a normal digital cam. JJ looks damn cheeko here.

Look at the drastic change in looks, hahaha. Noob > hansum boy. And for me, my face is just copy + paste for my entire lifespan lah ok -.- The second picture was taken at Marina Barrage, a few days before we parted.
This setback probably brought me closer to Gerald and my sister. For the first time, I felt my sister's fear of losing me. A single text from her, of merely less than seven words, sent my tears flowing and heart aching. I resented myself for she still loved me despite the mean things I've done to her, so from then on, I've changed my ways and treated her like how a sister should be treated. As for Gerald, he was caring enough to provide me with temporary shelter for the night, where he tried means and ways to turn my frown upside-down and where his mother and Charlotte made me feel warm. If it weren't for him, I think I'd have self-mutilated or something.
Whether I regret this relationship? Even though the separation was messy and awful, it's a no. It's by far the most perfect one (not like I've been in many relationships before, so yeah...) and I'm proud of it. That 1 year and 3 months changed me by a whole lot, both for the better and for the worse. Better because he used to be the ray of light to my tunnel, always guiding me the way whenever I felt lost and teaching me how to straighten up, worse because I started a habit of neglecting friends around me. Lost a few here and there on the way, and I'll never get them back. But, life carries on.

Walking Kash (Wryan's dog) at Pasir Ris Park with Wryan and Stella. Haven't met the Prince (the black shit) yet.

Prom night. My oufit theme was Pocahontas/Greek goddess, heh. Spotlights and flashes surrounded me as I searched high and low for you, wondering if you were doing the same too. I refused to leave after dismissal, in hope of taking a last picture with you, but to no avail. The crowd was diminishing and before I knew it, I was the last one stranded outside the hotel together with Vincent Tan, who started nagging at me. I... went home with a heavy heart.
Taiwan Dream - a dream we never thought we'd fulfil. The night when "deng o.0" and "why not" happened (inside jokes), Stella and I flew on cloud nine and went berserk behind our computer screens. That was it - our prayers were being answered to. Just when the new year started, we set off. The Satay roller-coaster ride, watching Spongebob, hotspring at Ming Yue, almost being kidnapped, suviving the freezing weather up in the mountains, exploring night markets, depending on random strangers for directions in foreign places, farting underneath the blanket, not bathing for the night, sleeping in on "Nua Day", etc. - these memories will forever live in my heart.
I love you, Nuasters. You were the peak of my year.

Birthday celebrations with The Family - Zhuk's birthday, Brandon's and Yanzhou's birthday, Badai's birthday and Faus' birthday respectively. Zhuks' birthday party changed my life, somehow. You could say that's how I got to know the guys. Even though there were schemes involved (hahah only Lummy knows), let's just take it that fate was on my side as well. That was a night I'd definitely relive.
We've been busy with our individual lives lately, so much so that I've forgotten how Family love feels like anymore.
P/s: Don't judge me from the last picture.
Dinner with Jux Keydings at Changi Village. Think satay, ketupat, stingray(!!) and chicken wing. I appreciate every small gathering we have once in a blue moon, whether it's a lepaking session, dinner at the usual 18 Chefs/Pizzaslut, or at times, a MJC crashing session, because I like how we blend in together despite our differences in personality and believes. They say we're just a clique of the present, I say we'll remain a clique in a long time to come (or at least I'd like to believe so).
First picture was taken in Auggie's house where we played L428D with Nerf guns after the Econs E-learning session. Take a look at Ericia's infamous piss-me-off-and-I-will-punch-you face at the back.
Second one was taken at East Coast Park on our first class outing. They travelled all the way to the East for me :')
TB28 - The joy to my poly life. If not for them, I'd have hated attending school. If not for them, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to feel what class spirit felt like, again. Thank you, TB28. I'm amazed by your impact on me even within such a short span of time.
Now, the finale. This is where I stand today. I don't stand tall, but I sure as hell stand straight, for I have people like Joelle who's stayed with me up till today since the day we've known, to back me up 24/7. Too sleepy to mention more names individually, but you know who you are.
Ask me where this hurricane will bring me to and I'll shrug my shoulders, but one thing's for sure and that's that this hurricane hasn't ended. So I'll keep spinning, and spinning, and spinning.
It's 3.52am now. Feels like I've just written a LAC. Slightly less than half a day more to go before I gear up for war again! Goodnight.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Paramore Is Still A Band.
Not a big fan of Paramore's music, but I must say engaging the crowd would be their forte :)
Yanjie and Ananta started queueing from noon, yet the queue already starting forming before they reached. Woah. Joined them in the queue with JJ, Sha, Lummy and Joel only at 3-ish and waited patiently for hours before they finally opened the doors.
When the crowd wasn't a crowd yet.
Managed to get through to the 3rd row from the front, which eventually turned out to be the 7th, and then insanity took place. I swear with my life that I will never risk standing in a mosh pit ever again. No, wait, I wasn't even standing. All I could recall was floating left, right, front, back, along with the crowd and the next thing I knew, I was stacked above a pile of people and the guys had to pull me out of the mess as I struggled to get back up on my feet. Squeezed my way to the back where it was way more spaced out after deciding I couldn't tolerate the smelly, exposed armpits, body odours and silent-killer farts any longer.
The Swellers.
I pretty much loved their opening. The opening band for the previous concert was horrendous.
Like madwomen, Ananta and I head-banged and jumped non-stop throughout the later half of the concert, but that came with a price 'cause our necks were breaking and ours legs were aching from all those moves. The guys said we looked possessed from the back, hahah.
Searched the floor for treasures after the crowd dispersed. Lummy found $2 and I found $0.10!! Cheap thrills~
Found a flattend shoe as well, HAHAH. (Y)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bertrand Tee-shirt ooh~
Stella, Zul, Taiming, Gwen, one of Bert's classmate and I birthday-surprised Bert on Wednesday morning. Unlike the previous year, he was still in dreamland this time. #goodoltimes

Birthday (pan)cake

And then there was dinner with Jux Keydings at Pizzaslut (mmmm Sausage Mania Baked Pasta for life) to celebrate Bert's birthday on Thurs. The bill turned out to be a true, blue slut indeed. Pizzaslut living up to its name, tskkk.

Dessert at Mac's after dinner. The new choco blast cone is om nom nomz ^^ Lepaked at some HDB void deck like we used to except we used to lepak elsewhere. Relieving those TK days :')
According to height -__-
Took polaroids, bid our goodbyes, and the night ended. Gon' miss 'em a hell lot until the next time I see them again (which would easily be more than half a month later).
TK friends are ultimately the best.
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