Met Jdyn and Devin at AMK at 4pm before we headed to Auggie's crib together.

Gathered in a circle upstairs in Auggie's room and played Bear for an hour or so while snacking on tidbits. There was this instance when I was the Healer but Ericia insisted so strongly that I was the Bear and wanted me out of the game despite me healing her and saving her life. Mentally strangled her to death for being so adamant but stupid. Hahah, the way this girl plays this game really cracks me up. Everyone wanted her out of the game because she was making a helluva din.

Afterwhich, we migrated downstairs and played another round of Bear downstairs before our Pizza arrived shortly after. ^^ The garlic bread was orgasmic.

Cleared the table to play poker card games with forfeits of downing shots and playing 7 Wonders of The World. Devin and Erwin got the latter and one of the "wonders" was "cock to cock", HAHAH. Gay shizz.

Mass camwhored while the a handful of them carried on with the game of Bear. Back upstairs in Auggies, we held our HTHT session 7, where we shared about our love life. Ivan's love story is so noble :') Then momsie came to pick me up at 11-ish.
Next Wednesday would officially be our last lesson together. Gon' wear our class hoodie and sing Last Friday Night by Katy Perry all day long~ Love ya, #TB28. ♥
Happy advanced/ belated birthday, Trisha, Auggie and Jiaxuan!
Next Wednesday would officially be our last lesson together. Gon' wear our class hoodie and sing Last Friday Night by Katy Perry all day long~ Love ya, #TB28. ♥
Happy advanced/ belated birthday, Trisha, Auggie and Jiaxuan!
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