Me and Darren dressing up as Darren and Devin respectively.
My dress-up was kinda fail though I intentionally wore a biker jacket, badass necklace and a ring to create the "Darren" image.
Jiaxuan and Auggie dressing up as Auggie and Trisha respectively.
Auggie's secret weapon, the Triangle necklace.
Erwin dressing up as Ivan (the straw hat and the geeky specs).
Genevieve and Ericia; Ericia dressing up as Genevieve.
Shien and Xinxian; Xinxian dressing up as Shien.
Aloy and Auggie; Aloy dressing up as me (damn fail -.-).
The wombat with the scent of Devin's underwear.
Steamboat for dinner.

And Trisha's cupcakes for dessert.
Afterwhich, we settled down for in Auggie's room for some HTHT. I can't believe we HTHT-ed till past 4am+. We truly had a lot of shit to talk about, from ideal future > lingerie brand > facts about self > army, etc. Ericia started creeping us out by distributing her fear to everyone else like free flow buffet which made us all hide underneath the blankets separately on two single-sized beds. Crashed at around 5am after Devin and Jiaxuan finally stopped shooting Nerf bullets at me and after Darren quit pulling my leg (literally) and woke up to everyone panicking to the collection of their results.
Emo-ed at a corner for a little while before we all headed out to grab some prata for breakfast, which really sucked btw. Never ever eat at The Prata House. Pricey + low food quality.
Continued our HTHT until 1pm (told you we had lotsa shit to talk about) before we all retreated home. I miss them all already :-)
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