Day 1:
Somersaulted out of bed (LOL jk I can't even somersault) at 8-ish after Darren's wake-up call and Mom was kind enough to drive me to the ferry terminal.

Poured heavily when we arrived at the resort, but the complimentary orange juice and entertainment dancers that enhanced the atmosphere made up for the weather. Waited to check in to our villa.
A mini van picked us up and drove us to our villa. You have no frickin' idea how luxurious the place is. It's ten times more cosy and comfy than NRSCC so go figure. Cooked a pot of maggi mee for light lunch before we headed on to Pasar Oleh Oleh for some grocery shopping. The place was pretty disappointing though. We had intended to buy raw prawns for our aglio olio at night but there was practically nothing at all. Worst part was being tailed by the village chief. That sticky woman refused to leave our sides and we had to resort to running away from her. Even so, she caught up with us. I know right.

Back at the resort, we found a kitten and its mother. Devin and I just sat by the window watching them for half an hour like we were kids at a zoo, HAHAH.
Even though there weren't any prawns, our dear chefs, Darren and Xinxian still managed to whip up a lovely dinner. Aglio olio without prawns + Fried chicken + Fishballs + "Red wine" which was actually Ribena. Felt like Darren was our daddy and Xinxian was our mommy, cooking meals for their 7 kids throughout the entire trip ^^
But our dinner didn't end there. Took out our bbq food which we planned to bbq for dinner and started starting the fire which took Jiaxuan, Devin, Aloy and I eons (while the rest just lazed inside the house, tsk tsk tsk). There were crabsticks, sausages, satay and Ericia's favourite cheese tofu. By the time half the amount of the sausages were cooked, we were too bloated to take in more so we kept the rest for breakfast for the next day.


Everyone camwhoring with my headband.

I couldn't get the smoke to come out enough for it to be caught on camera no matter how hard I tried. This goes to show I'm not fated to be a smoker. Yup.

Trisha and Shien were sky high by the time we reached back at the resort. They couldn't stop laughing and it got worse when Devin started taking out his belt to whip them, HAHAHA. #s&mtime
Day 2:
Camwhored in the living room and with the buggy while waiting to set off~ Speaking about the buggy, I suffered several heart attacks and near-death experiences for a four times while riding on it. Driving the buggy ain't no joke man. Really need some skills.

First activity for the day was Laser Quest. I swear it wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be. We were shooting in darkness and all that running away from our enemies made us sweat like mad.
Leftovers for lunch back at the resort before we left shortly after again for the beach to kayak and snorkel. Snorkeling made Darren and I reminisce about scuba diving so, so much. The Bintan seabed was rather plain and boring though. We only spotted common fishes, coral reefs and one sea urchin.
Bathed and dressed up for dinner at the Kelong Restaurant which wasn't exactly a restaurant and we were the only customers other than another table of a family. The black pepper crab and butter cereal prawns were gastronomic :9

Decided to use up our coupon for 50% off an hour of karaoke so we drove ourselves to the leisure centre after dinner. Never knew how emotional Shien could become when she sings and how well Ericia could sing. Almost died listening to Shien sing Lady Marmalade. #sluttyshien
Ended the night with a shot of Baileys + maggi mee for supper + celebrating Devin's birthday. Didn't want to sleep early 'cause it was our last night in Bintan after all, so we eventually chit-chatted in the boys' room until all nine of us dozed of on one double bed and one single bed. Don't ask me how we managed to squeeze onto the beds, we just did.
Day 3:
Woke up the last (as usual) with a splitting headache. Bathed and had cereal and milk for breakfast before we all packed up to leave. Ordered our last portion of Coco Creamy before we officially left the resort.
Goodbye Bintan, hello reality.
Down with a mild fever, flu and a sore throat now. Just a couple of days ago, I was showing off to JJ about how strong my immune system is. Guess it ain't as strong as I thought it is.
School resumes next Monday.. :(
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