Ice-skating and dinner with the boys to celebrate Brandon's and Yan Zhou's birthday.
So this was my third attempt at ice-skating but I still can't ice-skate for nuts. Yan Zhou gave me multiple heart attacks, pushing me from the front, right, back and left when I could barely even catch my breath to paddle and Keith crashed into me till I unintentionally made a 360 degrees turn around him. Sui sui #likeaboss. Champion title goes to Brandon, who pushed me till I fell on my ass real hard and his excuse was to experiment if my ass or the ice rink was harder. Better still, he sat on a stranger's birthday cake and squashed it flat. Truly one champion...... but the birthday boy enjoyed the privilege of getting away scot-free. Oh well. Falling was fun though, with the elimination of that split second of sharp pain. You have no idea how much that was a pain in the ass, in literal context. That's it. I'm determined to master rollerblading and ice-skating after the final paper. #nextyearsresolution
And yes, Keith, Chern and Zhuks shaved their heads as birthday gifts for Brandon. Ballzzzz.
A few nights back, guilt struck me like mafackaaa 'cause I had sat there, engaged in a good ten-minutes worth of conversation with Yan Zhou without realising that it was his birthday the day before until Keith told me so. It instantly surfaced to me that I should show some form of compensation/ apology, so it was like a spur-of-the-moment thing when I thought of surprising him with a birthday brownie + a scoop vanilla ice cream. Little did I know that he hated vanilla ice cream, so he merely forced down one mouth of it... :( The remainder eventually ended up in my stomach btw, LOL. Mannn, I know you hate Vanilla ice cream, but I hold on to the faith that you'd learn to like it one day; Just like how I'd been longing for you to let me enter your life. I don't want to just be a "friend", and a bad one at that... Hmm, but happy birthday anway.
And Happy Birthday, Brandon :)
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