Feeling rather lethargic this evening. I'm as good as a walking zombie. But the day was good, the day was good.
Job training with Ivan and Jiaxuan, while Darren tagged along. I'm only granted 2 days worth of schedule 'cause of the excessive amount of part-timers working this holiday, le sigh. Guess it's back to being a waitress (or a couch potato).
Dinner with Trisha, Auggie, Ericia and Jiaxuan at Aston's @ The Cathay, followed by a little pleasure of shopping and dessert at the 313 basement. Seriously love how our plans to meet are so impromptu all the time, yet we're so steady bom pee pee enough to make 'em happen.
Just found Nehemiah on Twitter and memories of calling him "neh neh", singing Jenny(fer) by The Click Five to him and "painting" his nails in highlighter yellow all came gushing through the back of my head. Announced on Twitter that I missed him being my lab partner and he replied saying he misses me too. That honestly stunned me for a moment there, 'cause the Nehe I knew would die to keep as far away from me as he can :')
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