Saturday, December 15, 2012

Esther's 18 / Batter Fluffy Flaps

It's over. Ok well... not thoroughly over but over for now. This round of common tests has been by far the most unfulfilling yet the most relieving one. Does that even make sense? Give me a moment while I try to figure out this foreign feeling I'm experiencing right now.

Unlike the past few semesters, our last paper was a morning paper so we headed back home for a nap first before lugging our lazy selves out again to town. Gathered with the rest for dinner at Imperial Treasure MBS to celebrate Esther's birthday (although it was her treat, oh the irony) after some retail therapy at H&M. Ended the night off with some champagne at Fuse.  

Batter Fluffy Flaps
Wild Mushroom & Tiger Prawns (Pancakes)

Also, I had a date with my favourite friends, Fel, Joelle, Zul and Aryn, at Batter Fluffy Flaps yesterday after craving for it for so long, all because of Bertrand's constant attempts at tempting me with those Instagram shots. It was good 'cept the smell from the truffle friens which felt really repulsive...

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