Sadly we didn't take any photos :( But this is all I've got:
The event there was sooooo bad. I wouldn't even consider it as a countdown event because.... there was no countdown. Now tell me which DJ asks the crowd if they're ready for a countdown when it's already been ten seconds past midnight? I'll tell you which: The one at the Flyer. Whoever you are, thanks for spoiling my perfect picture of actually yelling the numbers while awaiting for the fireworks to light up. Urrrrgh, can't even handle this absurdity. And I'm not even done with ranting about the crowd yet. 99.9999% were Yen-users (inside joke) and the rest had ridiculously stiff bodies.
Refused to kick-start 2013 with such a horrible countdown party so I psycho-ed Joelle to stayover at Raynor's place with me and the rest. Played Monopoly (and owned the game) and watched the boys play Fifa through the night while Joelle died off halfway. We only mustered enough strength to pull our lazy asses out of the house at 0830 for breakfast nearby.
Something I really look forward to for the next few weeks/months would be more dinner dates with this bunch, especially when Joelle starts work at Dover and the poly kids from SP start school.
What a jolly night!
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