For all the broken-hearted out there, I'd love to give you a big bear hug.
But I'll give you this instead:
Today can be a new day, and looking back will only break your neck.
We chase regret, we always chase regret
When things are perfect, things are perfect.
I hope you know that I'm trying my best.
And that to me, forever means nothing less.
This is everything and I've felt like I'm nothing, so thank you for giving me the chance.
Without you I can't see the road ahead, hearts and bones can be broken instead.
We can be stronger, we can be better. I know we can.
Timing is everything and I've always had the worst when it comes to what I need.
I need reassurance. I need to feel safe and I know it can take some time.
But this can be everything, this can be true.
I know now what I need.
I've learned the ones who are closest to me are responsible for my lack of sleep.
So I created my own hollow heart to fill it with what's most important to me.
This is something I couldn't let go. The hands on the clock are grasping my throat.
But there's only room for two, so I chose life over you.
If you're listening just hear this out.
I built this hollow heart and you can't tear it out.
Nothing ever goes the way we planned.
I've learned the ones who are closest to me are responsible for my lack of sleep
but there's only room for two, so I chose life over you.
Hollow your heart and start all over again. It helps, really.
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