Over here blogging every detail now 'cause the stoopid Stella summarised everything within one sentence. (http://www.aretheylightning.blogspot.com) -.-
Day 1
Procrastinated at home and all so we were behind time, paiseh ah! The budget terminal srsly lives up to its name. As big as my house man -.-. Checked in and made an intentional detour to the toilet at the other end with the 'cause the journey to the nearest toilet was too short....
Contorted-legged baby signboard.
Lunch at Madam Kwan's. Nasi Bojari!!!

The cab took forever to come and the the teksi driver drove for 10 mins yet we ended up at the starting point. My mom scolded him stupid in chinese then she realised that he was a chinese at the end of ride!!!! Epic fail.
Stella: Eh all the words in Malaysia spell until so weird one! Teksi... Chocolat... Toilat...
All: *momentary silence*
Toilet = Toilat. -.-

Day 2
SUNGEI WANG! Some bangla tried to trick us into buying his geeky specs for 120RM which costs merely 15RM at the other store claiming that it was UV protected. THE LENS WEREN'T EVEN AT THE LEAST TINTED PLEASE, WHAT UV PROTECTION?! Srsly lah.
French braid fail.
Lunch at Subway. Not as nice as SG's. ):
Fake RayBen's :P

Act posh, cut bread with knife and fork.
The day ended with dinner at The Ship. Awesome sizzling steak and awesome shit (literal). Teehee. :D
Day 3
Pack bag and go home lo. Nothing much ah. Did some last minute shopping in like an hour and decided to pass JJ's present 'cause we had no time. D:
Haven't done my homework ah siak.
Three hundred and sixty two. ♥
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