Caught a movie with Alexpiggayezxz in the morning and managed to reach there in time to get the tix like right when the show started 'cause the bus was so freaking slow. Got stuck at Kallang MRT after the movie and couldn't get a cab / bus to KLP. KANCHIONG TTM!!! JJ WL and Sha finished their dinner already and didn't wait for me. And JJ and Sha bought their Paramore shirts before we went queuing up at the
PRIORITY QUEUE, all thanks to me and my sistic star pass ^^v.

The balding and hairy lion obstructing our views.


Shirts worth 40 bucks wtf.

Act ah beng siol.
Frankly speaking, the opening act was a bore. So were the row of people seated in front of us. They were in the same positions throughout the whole performance.
I take back my words that Paramore was average. THEY WERE FUCKEN AWESOME. \m/ Still feeling super hyped from the jumping and crazy head banging and I can't sleeeeeeeeeeep.
Man, we've to do this more. It felt so damn good.
Three hundred and forty eight. ♥
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