Saturday, November 20, 2010

Prommmmmmm.... enade!

I tossed and turned in bed for an hour last night before I could finally sleep. Excited much! Woke up exceptionally early in the morn and packed my stuff to go over to Alita's place to prepare for prom. Made the wrong decision to go over in my heels to "train" my balance and suffered throughout. I am a fail girl. ):

Alita and Felicia did my make-up for me while I lepaked. Hehehe. Big thank you to them! :) Gian (Alita's brother) sent us to the Hilton Hotel in his Merc and we intentionally wasted time so we'd be "fashionably late", LOL.

The moment I stepped into the main lobby, I felt so under dressed 'cause everyone else were much more glamorous. Tied my hair up, hair kept dropping out, then I got fed-up and let it down instead. BAD HAIR DAY.

Gonna spam pix, so put on your seat belts and hang on tight!

Felicia :)

Thanks to these ladies for dolling me up!

Unglam stockings.

Bert :)

Stella :)

Jux Keydings :D

Part of 4E with Miss Low.

4E'10 :D

2E'08 :D

Lummy :) :)
Eh I very bros over hos one ok ;)

Huixun :)

Chia :)

Yasmeen :)

Cherie :)

Lyndsey :)

Arynah :)

Huangmeng :)

Delbert :)

Michael :)

Vivian :)

Yunning :)

Syuhaidah :)

Crystal :)

Kenny :)

Ryan :)

Junpeng :)

Gerald :)

Wendy :)

Vinnie :)

Taiming :)

Zul :)

Yingzheng :)

Raynor :)

JJ :)

Faiz :)

Jianhao :)

Marcus Seriouslyiamnotserious Tangster :)

Joelle :)

Jinzhuang :)

Joel :)

Shaun :)

Ritesh :)

Jannah :)

Indah :)

Shaza :)

Wencai :)

Aaron Tan the guitarist :)

Aaron Tan the fatso :)

Korjian :)

Jason :)

Nadz :)

Kiantong :)

Chernyue :)

Khaiqi :)

Jay :)

Renee my twinnie :)

Jiaying :)

Darren Chia :)

Keith the Douche :)

Brandon & Zhukang :)

Badai & Zhukang :)

All in all, prom was o-kay. The part when everyone just crowded on the dance floor and went crazy dancing irregardless of whoever and wherever was the bomb. (Y)

Oh, and congrats to Azkhairy and Novia for prom king and queen!

Did I mention that I hate make-up? I macam pontianak like that.

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