Today, I had two other piercings done on my left ear lobe, and it kinda looks like that:

Can't really be seen but it's actually a ★ and a ♥.
Fel went first, followed by me, Jiaying and then Joelle. Our eyes were fixed on Fel when the piercer(?!?) held the gun. *CHK*! Her face turned expressionless, followed by a trial of laughter, and then she answered a call from her mom asking for her bra size. -.- For me, the pain was stinging like hell for the first few seconds but it subsided after a couple of minutes. Jiaying had her helix pierced and it's seemingly the most painful one 'cause it's at the bone area but she was fine. Joelle was like *facepalm*. She clutched on to Fel's hand so tightly and kept moving away from the gun. The previous time she had an injection, she started beating the doctor up. LOL. But the piercer was really friendly and he entertained us throughout although we were being a nuisance by spamming a million questions about piercings. Such a pleasant ear-piercing experience. ^^
Can't wait to wear my pastel ear studs after it heals.
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