Ignore my previous post. I think the fatigue got the better of me.
Burnt the midnight oil cutting bits and pieces of paper, doodling, arranging photos, pasting post-it pads, getting all sticky with craft glue & wrapping, but what's a couple of hours of sleep compared to making a dearest friend's day? :)
At 5 in the friggin' morning, I rushed outta the house like a mad cow to appear at Keith's doorstep just to wake him up but I didn't in the end 'cause he already woke up by the time I reached the bus stop. Miraculous. Thn we headed straight to Eunos to meet Zhuks to make our way to MJC together. The whole bunk on the MRT stared at us while we panicked to prepare all the props. Cabbed over from the MRT station and entered through the back gate like nothing will happen... but yeah, nothing happened. Gathered a couple of TK-MJ peeps to crowd around before the gate while we waited for Stella's grand arrival. A tall figure was approaching from afar, and that was when the moment came...

She walked towards the gate, as I held the giant yellow board that said "Happy (Advanced) Birthday Starelah!" up high while Keith and Zhuks waved frantically at her while the rest sang the Happy Birthday song. Her smile was wide, but no words came out. She gave us each a tight hug after we passed her our individual gifts before all of them left for flag-raising. That was the end of Stella's birthday surprise, wholeheartedly from the Nuasterz and supported by the TK-MJ peeps. It was a mere five minutes, but somehow, every second of that five minutes felt awesome.
As we made our way back to the back gate to leave, we waved to the crowd (actually, just to the TK-MJ peeps) on the way like we were superstars which attracted so much attention. A voice from behind called for us...
Apparently the white-haired woman didn't notice my presence, pshhhhh. Talk to da hand puh-lease. Then we were interrogated, blah blah blah, asked to sign out at the security post where there wasn't even a security guard, sang the national anthem, recited the pledge, -.-ed listening to the school song which sounded so national day-ish, then walked out of the main gate like nothing just happened. Crashing a school is the coolest thing to do. Next up, TPJC? CJC? TJC? VJC? :D
Ok main point is,
it's Stella's birthday today!
Go wish her now if you've yet to or I'll kill you.
What so special about it? It's the 17th year of her existence on this planet Earth, and 4 years of which was a blessing to me, and I wish it'll be a blessing to me for the rest of my life. Because it's not easy finding someone you can still trust and love so fucking much despite so many differences we share. Because it's not easy finding someone you can point to and announce to the world, "I'm gonna grow old with her." Because it's easy finding thousands of people out there who claim to care for you, but it's not easy finding that outstanding someone who genuinely cares for you and means it.
Happy 17th bird-day once again, Stella. Frenx 4ebaxzx. ♥
Down here always,
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