Sunday, May 20, 2012

In the night I hear 'em talk, the coldest story ever told.

The beauty of waking up early, banana breakfast, TWLOHA & Checks, Seizariya for dinz with Ad Infinitum + Jasmine, Auggie and Ivan / my current phone wallpaper and screensaver, checklist of topics that I need to study for common tests which are merely a week away.

5/6 of the above are what keeps me going. #givesmehope :')

Traditional Kopitiam breakfast Set F with Lummy for the first time in a year. It's been so long since we've met and talked about our lives over breakfast. This wasn't even planned. He agreed to meet me just because I needed to pour out to someone. Can I please say how blessed I am to have him? :')

And that above is a Gollum plant. That will be my new baby and I'm gonna name it Golem. Btw I was googling about the Gollum plant species just awhile ago and I discovered that it's also known as a Hobbit plant. Speak about coincidence. Sigh, I miss Imran.

Dinz with the fam at BALIthai and Vanessa's Sweetheart Donuts from House of Mini.

Just realised how I tend to plan out the sequence of the food on my plate to be eaten, because I'd make sure that the last thing that goes into my mouth leaves a satisfying after taste that'll last me at least till the next meal. Just saying.


I really need a day to sit down and sort my life out.

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