Pastamania for dinner. (Love the calamari rings and sauce)
Joelle and her "artistic" birthday card
Tried to capture the moon but failed :(
Citylights & Skylines.
Mini birthday cake with wooden "candles", teehee.
Starbucks' Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappe which was an utter disappointment.
So, today was just the three of us -- me, Joelle and Jian Hao, the birthday boy. Caught The Avengers (which is a superb and worthy film to watch, btw) after dinner at Pastamania. Visited Fel at work as well and chilled at Starbucks for awhile until we realised it was already almost midnight.
For the birthday boy:
You will never read this, but if I could, I'd erase or delete all the troubles that you've been facing, or at the least, take 'em away from you. But for now, the only thing I can offer to you would be but my company, and I'll stay around as close as I can, as long as you need me to. And remember, the moon shines the brightest for you. Happy 18th birthday, b. x
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