It's a Monday evening and I've just awoken from what seemed like a hangover -- the kind that possesses the unbeatable force to suck you back to your bed whenever you resist to get up. An average of 5 hours of shut-eye per day makes that single hour worth of nap feel like paradise.
Projects have been streaming in simultaneously and I feel like I can't catch up with doing my tutorials weekly already, what more with 2 CCAs in hand that I've to juggle with. This is taking a toll on me.
Today, Trisha etched a phrase in my mind.
"Don't bite more than you can chew."
But Idk. One moment, I really, really, really just wanna prove this statement false and take up the challenge to balance both CCAs and studies. Another moment, I'd be reminded of how badly I did for my first semester and how incapable or intellectually-challenged I am, and my hopes instantly drop from sky high to ground low.
Idk. I despise myself for having such a weak mind. Darren T witnessed all of that fickle-mindedness of mine within a mere hour. I stood still for a good quarter-hour weighing the pros and cons of trying out the handball main team, flipped the coins (and failed to) countless of times, asked everyone for opinions, but still couldn't make the decision. Felt so awful and confused up in my head that it made a decision for me, and that was to go home to the loving arms of my family in hope they'd help me take the pain away.
Ok, this will be the end of an angsty, melodramatic and undecided me.
Goodbye, x
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