Tardy and Tardy Jr. passed away a few days ago. Phiau must be devastated, because I am.
But is it okay if I said I actually saw this coming?
Last night, I had the strangest, sickest feeling ; The kind that creeps in only when the sun sets, the kind that places the weight of every planet in the entire galactic system combined onto my shoulders, the kind that makes my heart sink so low yet I can't locate the anchor that's behind it. It's not the night that I'm fazed by, it's what it does to me.
Speak to me, I'd listen. To be nonchalant is not an option. I simply cannot not care about people. I'm not even referring to just people whom I love and people whom are close and dear to me, it's people in general. For every new person that enters my life, a bridge is built and an obligation to not disappoint him/her breeds from there.
But I'm no angel, I'm just me.
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