Monday, January 25, 2016

The leaves will change

I was having a rather casual yet ironically heartfelt conversation with a friend the other day. She told me she didn't understand why her friends back home couldn't understand her anymore. Conversations with them are difficult to keep up with because there's simply nothing in common to be interested in anymore. The funny thing is I agreed every part of it. On certain days, I question if it was "right" to come here in the first place. It is a pitiful thing, that leaves change with the season, yet it is so necessary for the biology of the earth. You see, I learn this thing in school called the set point theory. It assumes the stability of one's subjective well-being, meaning to say people can't do any worse or any better within a certain range because human beings self-regulate to achieve eventual equilibrium. I am suppressing every thought in my head to reach that line, yet lingering in the depths of summer when the wind picks up doesn't feel "right", and striding along as the earth rotates doesn't feel "right".