Monday, June 8, 2015


Today was a special day.

We don't usually get sunny days at a warm 14 degrees celcius in Manchester, so I decided that I ought to get my ass out of the house to photosynthesise for a bit (and also because I was hungry). I exited the hall through my less-favourited back gate (because it weighs a tonne compared to the main one), walked to the bus stop and waited a few minutes or so before a 143 came passing by. I could tell that the people who were waiting as well were eager to board, but the bus did not come to a halt. That was when all of them turned and looked at each other with a facial expression that shouted "seriously?!", as though it was synchronised. There was a route diversion down Oxford Road, and I could have simply crossed the road to get to the temporary bus stop just right outside Morrison's, but I decided to take the long way around past the school and down to the Aquatics Centre instead.

Midway, I came across the fruit stall that first gave me hope that this city would be kind to me. I remembered the cashier as "hipster Jesus cashier" nine months ago because he was decked out in cool tattoos, had long blond hair and was unbelievably nice. All I did was buy two cases of berries from him and he gave me something no one has given to me in a long time - a very, very sincere smile. Today, he's just the "hipster fruit stall cashier" 'cause he's had a shave since then.

I would usually head to Chinatown for food when I'm in town because I am Asian like that but today, the Mexican in me was craving for Taco Bell. A friend whose name starts with N and ends with E once told me that the art of eating alone gives you the satisfaction of paying your undivided attention to the food. No prizes for guessing who. Today, I finally knew what she meant, because all I needed to worry about was how to eat my taco without tilting my head (which is impossible btw) and how to take strategic bites on the crunchy one so it doesn't crumble apart. P.s. Her name rhymes with taco.

On the bus back home, I met a very special person. Just as I sat myself down, I took out my earpieces like I usually do because I am anti-social like that. There was a lady sitting diagonally in front of me, clad in a #ff1492 cardigan (I used to memorise this colour code for deep pink 'cause I knew this as JJ's favourite colour), and she was adorned with a pair of gem earrings. Emerald, perhaps? She was very intrigued by what I was doing, and stared at me as I clumsily attempted to untangle my earpieces. That made me nervous. After awhile, she lost interest in me and started reaching out for something in her pocket, dropping a box of lemon mints. It seemed like she kept quite a stash in there. She lies on the plus side and it didn't look very convenient for her to bend down to pick it up. She looked embarrassed, but nobody seemed willing to lend a hand. Maybe it was because she acted differently, I assumed; She was immersed in her own curiosity of the things around her and that seemed to make people uncomfortable. I pulled my earpieces out, stretched forward, and retrieved her sweets for her. She thanked me very loudly, which made me very shy. I smiled and nodded, then proceeded to plug my earpieces back in. She faced the front, then turned back towards me again. "I've got it safe in my bag now!" she announced excitedly, as though assuring me that she's got her sweets under control. I didn't know what to say, except to secretly wish she'd remain this optimistic every day no matter what people think of her.

Again, I chose to alight at the Aquatics Centre to take a walk back home instead of alighting at my door step. I checked the weather forecast before I left the house in the morning, and true enough, the sky turned grey by late afternoon and the wind was back. Not that it's much of a surprise, but I need to emphasise on how the sky was so terribly grey, and I mean dull grey, as if grey wasn't dull enough by nature. Oxford Road is veritably a very scenic stretch of architectural buildings, but walking down it in such a weather isn't the most picturesque moment. I dropped by the learning commons to grab a cup of earl grey from the cafe. It's the probably the only place I'd ever get earl grey from again. The last time I ordered earl grey from Costa, Cafe Nero and other cafes, all I ever got was a cup of disappointment. I left the learning commons and arrived at my vexingly heavy back gate again, but I took a back step and decided to keep on walking. I kept on walking and crossed through Whitworth Park, before I found a bench and sat down there with my earpieces still on from the bus ride. By the time I was done with my cuppa, my hour-long playlist ended, and I headed back home. For real.

I think I've made quite a few good decisions today. 

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