Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I was banging my head to Cascada's Everytime We Touch until I realised my dad and his friend at the other end of the house staring at me jaw-opened. -________-
AHHH currently addicted to that song and TC5's Jenny. Jenny(fer), it's killing me ;)

I feel like a burnt, bruised tomato. First red, followed by black + aches all over. Thigh pain, stomach pain, feet pain, arm pain. :( But 38 more days so let's 不到黄河不死心!

Shirong is so funny!!!

Q: 你认为餐厅能做出什么改变来更吸引学生来吃?
A: 餐厅可以提供意大利餐,意大利餐,法国餐,西餐,日本餐,泰国餐.....

He repeated 意大利参 twice and listed out the various 餐s to make his sentence look longer, LOL.

Ok school is a chore but I love my classmates / lab mates. :D

"If you think it's not good, at least make it look good."
Hm I forgot where I saw this from.

Three hundred and forty four. ♥

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