Monday, October 29, 2012

What's your worth?

So I neglected my classmates for a short catch-up sesh with Zhuks, Chern, Clem and my best friend, Yanzhou today.

"Who are you to me?"
"A friend...?"
"Why are you a friend?"
"See, you can't even answer that."

I still can't forget that faithful night... It was a day after his birthday and I wanted to sneak in a birthday cake to surprise him while we were studying. At the counter, I was contemplating if I should order an additional scoop of vanilla i/c for him and I eventually did. The first thing he said when he saw the cake was not "oh my gosh thank you" but "I fucking hate vanilla". Hahaha. But this is my best friend for you :)

I've missed you guys.

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