Sunday, July 29, 2012


"I'm bad at consoling people. Vice versa, people are bad at consoling me.
It doesn't mean they're bad at it. It just means they're not getting through to me.

Of all the people I know, few are of the same circumstances as me, and one of them lives in Peru. Most of the others, I don't see often enough.

Don't tell me you're experiencing or you've experienced this. We may be in the same boat for a moment. That's all.
Consolation? Sure, it helps. But the heart is still heavy and the mind lingers and eventually the consoling turns into a useless and irritating drone.

From what I observed, many Singaporeans need to understand:
Do not put yourself into someone else's shoes to 'understand' if you cannot comprehend the immensity of the situation."

- Felicia

Deep Fel is deep.

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