Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm drying out.

Thank you, RLSZ.

You're the first second to know. Come to think about it, you're still semi-stranger to me, but because only you know how it feels like to have your heart sink so deep, because only you know how suicidal it can be to know things you shouldn't know but still expose yourself to it anyway, because we seem to read each other's minds, because we've been through the same shit. It's no wonder why we're HPY. You'll get your girl soon, I'm sure.

At least I know I'm not alone. That's probably the slightest bit of comfort I can receive right now.

A'ight, on a much brighter note, I met up with The Family at pp just awhile ago. Haven't seen these faces for quite awhile. (:

Drink tea, needless to say. I'll wear something that makes me feel good; shirt and shorts definitely. I always bear my manners in mind. I'll tell Chong I love him for always welcoming us to his gramps' crib. I'll have ice cream with Joshie before lunch, or maybe even just ice cream. I'll catch the sunset from that long stretch of road. I'll wear my Aqua Lily perfume. I'll smile without doubt, for there'll be Sha around. I won't read a book, but I'll read... instructions before I do anything? I'll cook maggi mee for them if I have to. I'll wish all of you a lovely day, just secretly. I might just watch a good film, a horror one. Tomorrow's gonna be a lovely day. xx

P/s: Signed up for French lessons with Ngo da ge and Yanzhou. I am doomed 'cause Yanzhou's gonna flame me in French, HAHAHAH.

P/p/s: NGO DA GE'S PARENTS KNOW MY PARENTS. That's just so coincidental.

P/p/p/s: I just ordered a TWLOHA tank top. Costs a bomb and there's nothing special about it but I like it that way. Retail therapy is always the best medicine~

P/p/p/p/s: My Moleskin (sketchbook in disguise) is starting to fill up. I can never kick off the habit of doodling, as long as I have any form of writing material in my hands.

P/p/p/p/p/s: I can't read through your ever so opaque mind, so won't you enlighten me?

Hahhaha my post-scripts are so annoying. Kthxbye.

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